You would like to book through Santiny Online booking system, but you have found a lower rate on the Internet than that offered by Hotel Santiny, we will grant you the same rate and additional 5% discount on the basic service.
In order to claim this right, please send an e-mail with a link of the website where the lower rate is available to or call our Reservations Department at +385 1 8000 777.
If you succeed in finding a rate lower than the one we are offering for the same facility, accommodation unit, service, the same number of guests and date of stay, we will additionally lower our rate.
The lower price must be available for booking at the moment of claim approval, and within 24 hours from receipt of the same. Screenshots will not be accepted.
The guarantee applies to the price of basic service that includes all charges (service price + VAT). The lower rate must be in the same currency (HRK) based on the central rate valid on the day of the claim approval.
Only one 5% discount regardless of the number of lower rates found. Multiple claims for the lowest rate guarantee will be treated as one request for one stay and the lowest rate will be applied to that one stay.
The booking once accepted, under The Lowest Rate Guarantee Terms and Conditions, for which the advance has been paid or another type of guarantee has been given, can not be changed. Additional claims for confirmed bookings will not be approved.
Jednom prihvaćena rezervacija po uvjetima Jamstva najniže cijene za koju je uplaćen predujam ili dan neki drugi oblik garancije ne može se više mijenjati. Dodatni zahtjevi za potvrđene rezervacije neće biti uvaženi.
A 5% discount cannot be cumulated with membership benefits, discounts, frequent stay discounts, and other prize programs or extraordinary discounts that are not included in the basic service price. In case you have the right for the mentioned benefits, only one discount will be approved to the lower rate.
The Lowest rate guarantee does not apply to the rates published on websites where the hotel name is not provided until after the booking. Therefore, The Lowest Rate Guarantee does not apply to the rate published on any website that does not show the hotel name, hotel location or any other information that could divulge the hotel’s identity.
The Lowest Rate Guarantee does not apply to package rates. Package rates include hotel accommodation sold as a part of a travel package together with other services. The Lowest Rate Guarantee does not apply to the unpublished rates that are not available to the general public such as corporate discount rates, group rates, congress rates, and any other rates targeted toward a specific group of individuals and not available to a general public.